live in the bare….natural beauty from natural sources

live in the bare….natural beauty from natural sources

100% all natural products. Using only the bare minimum. Body care products for men, women & children as well as cleaning products. All packaging is 100% recyclable. We inherit the earth, it isn’t ours to keep, reduce, re-use, & recycle!

Do you know where to find harsh toxins & chemicals??

Do you know where to find harsh toxins & chemicals??

It is a terrible thought to know, that the products we use daily, contain many things that harm us. I never knew this until i researched it, but many things i had been buying were not only exhausting my wallet but, they were exhausting my health. They were aging me, they were wreaking havoc on my body, my skin, & my nervous system. Crazy, right? Do you know where I am finding them? I started reading ingredient labels on my shampoos, body wash, facial cleansers, makeup, and my kids’ baby wash….yep, BABY WASH! I, the same as millions of people, fell victim to marketing techniques used by thousands of companies. Pretty bottles, pretty names, something easy on the eyes with words that make you feel so confident in that product, we do not even think to read the ingredient labels. Do companies know this? You dang right they do, and they do not care, as long as that label lists everything in terms we can’t comprehend, and they meet FDA standards, they’re happy because they will make their money. It bothers me though, they seem to be okay with bottling up chemicals and selling them to us, knowing that most of them are carcinogens and wreak havoc on our nervous systems. Depression, anxiety, exhaustion, cancer, all of these things linked to chemicals in our everyday products. I am devastated still, knowing how many people are oblivious to these things because i know how easy it is to fall victim to it. I have done my research and could go on forever about this topic, but I am on a mission to not only educate people about this, but, provide products that you will not have to question. If you are wondering about whether you should spend the money or make the switch, I hope that after reading this, I have persuaded you to at least read your ingredients label, even if you choose another all natural brand. Just be sure that when a label says all natural, you take the time to check that and prove that statement to be factual and not just a marketing technique. Your skin is the largest organ you have, and its like a sponge, it will absorb anything applied to it and carry it other places, remember that the next time you are choosing personal care products. I’m so glad i made the switch, are you ready to do the same?

Poison to Protect???